Idea from paper reading

  1. “Specifically, we introduce strategies such as more augmentation, better learning rate schedules and label smoothing, that significantly improve the closed-set performance of the MSP baseline (sec. 4). We also propose the use of the maximum logit score (MLS), rather than normalized softmax probabilities, as an open-set indicator. With these adjustments, we push the baseline to become competitive with or outperform state-of-the-art OSR methods, substantially outperforming the currently reported baseline figures. Notably, we surpass state-of-the-art figures on four of the six OSR benchmark datasets.” in paper “OPEN-SET RECOGNITION: A GOOD CLOSED-SET CLASSIFIER IS ALL YOU NEED?”(ICLR2022): Obtained: general training strategy (such as augmentation, learning rate schedule, label smoothing, maximum logit score) is important to have better results.

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